Dynamic Stillness Level of Emergence

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Within a craniosacral biodynamic context, the practitioner learns to settle into a relationship with Stillness. He or she discovers that Dynamic Stillness lies at the heart of every inertial issue, centering the unresolved inertial forces within the whole. It is not a question of resting in a dead or empty stillness. Becker called the Stillness “both dynamic and alive”, hence the term “Dynamic Stillness”. (Becker, 1997, 2000)

As the holistic shift deepens, the practitioner’s perceptual field is very wide and he or she is oriented to stillness and space. In this ambiance the client’s process may further deepen and directly orient to the Dynamic Stillness as a ground of emergence for all properties, ordering forces, and healing intentions.

Commonly it is like the practitioner has his or her feet in two worlds, the world of form and the world of stillness. Becker notes that a rhythmic balanced interchange may occur between the Stillness, the potency and the forces and forms being attended to. (Becker, 1997, 2000) The practitioner has a direct experience of this formative exchange in healing processes.

Alternately, the practitioner may deepen into the mystery of the Stillness itself. It is like accessing a state where linear time seems to be suspended as one enters a darkness of knowing totally in present time. When the practitioner emerges from this state, perhaps he or she discovers that many minutes have passed and also perceives many changes in the client’s system, forces and fulcrums being safely attended to in the Stillness itself. The healing process may continue at different levels of work as Long Tide and mid-tide phenomena emerge as part of the healing journey.

Working in relation to Dynamic Stillness demands a true humility and ability to enter and settle into one’s most essential being-state. Work occurs via resonance and a deepening appreciation of stillness.